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I turned twenty-five in February of this year, so I’ve been a quarter of a century old for just a few months now.
You spend a lot of time in your early 20s, just trying to discover who you are and where you want to go. For me, it’s been quite the journey! I know I will still be learning and growing for the rest of my life but I wanted to share with you the 25 things I’ve learned in 25 years in hopes that these lessons will help you too.

So let’s get into it, here are the 25 things I’ve learned in 25 years:
1 | Gratitude is everything
- I was always grateful for my life and my blessings but the last few years I started writing down things I was grateful for each day. I use The Five Minute Journal to start and end my day and it includes a gratitude section. After a few weeks of doing this you are able to get really detailed about the things you appreciate in your life and it deepens your love for life.
2 | Weekly goal setting can change your life
- Each week I review my goals from the previous week, see what I need to work on and set new goals for the upcoming week. This allows me to continue to assess my growth and development in multiple areas of my life. You can set a variety of weekly goals including health, work, relationship and financial goals.
3 | Take time to set financial goals and plan for your future
- Last year was the first year I really focused on my finances because it was the first year I was making “real” money. But I have to say I wish I did this YEARS ago. I took the time to educate myself on investing, taxes, retirement savings options and so much more and I’ve set financial goals for my future. I will continue to work on my financial literacy and look forward to learning more in this area.

4 | Be conscious of your energy
- When you walk into a room, the energy that you’re giving off matters and impacts those around you. I definitely wasn’t aware of this just a few years ago. But now, my goal is to always be conscious of my energy and ensure I am giving positive or joyful energy to those around me, regardless of what else might be going on in my life.
5 | Discover your why
- There are so many great resources on how to find your why. My first introduction to this concept was by reading the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek and watching his TED talk. Once I discovered my why, it gave me a purpose and allowed me to work towards the true impact that I want to make during my short time on this Earth. I am no longer living my days randomly, I am living with intention and its changed my life completely.
6 | How you spend your time is important
- This concept never really dawned on me until the COVID-19 pandemic hit and forced many of us to slow right down. Think about it – just how little time we have in this life. It could be taken away at any moment so now I look back on everyday and ask myself – did I truly live today? Did I work towards making a positive impact in some small way?
7 | Take time for yourself
- Another revelation of the pandemic was how little time I was really dedicating to myself and my personal wellbeing. Now that I’ve made this a priority, I honestly can’t believe the difference it’s made. I have significantly more energy and I am happier overall. I was draining myself into work, friends, family and other commitments. These things are obviously important but over time it was taking a real toll on me. I’ve found if I dedicate time to myself and my wellbeing at least once a day, I have more energy for the other commitments in my life and I’m able to be more present with my loved ones.
8 | Always wear sunscreen
- The science says it all. If you’re going to use any kind of skincare, use sunscreen. I never did this in my early 20s and already regret it. If you plan on aging beautifully and maintaining good skin health for the duration of your life, sunscreen is your best friend.
9 | Exercise daily
- We all know the benefits of daily exercise but as an adult I struggled to get to the gym regularly. I would go maybe twice a week, then I would skip a few weeks and the cycle would repeat over and over. Regular exercise is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle but I didn’t know how to get myself to the gym more often. I started with trying a bunch of new things and I finally found some gym classes that I really liked. Suddenly, I was actually excited to go to the gym. Do I always want to exercise? No. I don’t think I ever will. I will always have to force myself to workout especially when “I don’t feel like it”. But I’ve realized that sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to do, especially when those things are good for your health. In the end you will feel better, stronger and healthier afterwards which makes it all worth it.
10 | No one is looking at you at the gym – they are looking at themselves
- It’s true. It’s been a hard one for me to learn but it’s helped me enjoy my workouts more. Everyone is on their own exercise journey so it’s best to focus on your journey and not bother with comparing yourself to others.

11 | Fuel your body
- I can see there is a theme here. In my early-twenties I’ve really learned the importance of health and wellbeing. I’m sure we all know the importance of healthy eating but once I started fuelling my body properly, I FELT the difference. I have more energy throughout the day, I’ve noticed improved concentration and sleep, and I can push myself further in my workouts. It makes a world of difference. I highly recommended speaking to a health professional so they can help you find what works for your body.
12 | Sleep
- This is another thing I lacked in my teens and early twenties. Essentially, you can do all of the other healthy habits but if you don’t sleep it doesn’t even matter. I definitely learned this the hard way but once I got my sleep schedule on track I couldn’t believe the difference a good night’s sleep made in my life. It made everything easier because I had more energy to conquer my day. You can check out some science-backed sleep tips here.
13 | Floss
- You’ve got to do it. It’s either that or pay the hefty dental bill. Trust me, I’ve received a few of those dental bills. It’s much better for your wallet, and your health to just floss daily!
14 | Dancing around your kitchen to Taylor Swift is, and always will be, the best mood booster
- Try it. It’s true. Or whoever your favourite artist is. Anytime you need to be “on” for something or want to start your day right – start with a mini dance party!
15 | Take time off when you get a new puppy – you will need it
- You will seriously need it. Take at least a week. It’s so much work when they are baby puppies, taking time off will make it so much easier for them and for you.

16 | Watch what content you consume
- The content you consume significantly shapes your outlook of the world. This could be social media, television, the news, podcasts, books and more. This content can make you feel better or worse about yourself before your day even gets started, so it’s important that you are conscious of what you are consuming and how it makes you feel. When I realized the impact this content was having on my mental health and wellbeing, I made some significant changes that have left me feeling much happier.
17 | Learn to take feedback positively
- Whoa, this was a hard lesson to learn. The shattering thought that the way you do things isn’t always the right way, was definitely hard for my entitled teen-brain to process. I learned to shift my perspective to one that values feedback immensely. It means I get to learn something new and get uncomfortable which is the only way to grow. When you’re young and new to adult life, it’s hard to process that you still have a whole life of learning and growing ahead of you. The truth is, you will never know enough about anything to always be right. Now, I regularly seek feedback from others in all areas of my life so I can continue to grow into the best version of myself. Even though negative or constructive feedback will never be easy to process, I know I will learn something from it which is always the goal.
18 | Leave early, for everything
- Seriously, it’s always better to be early. You will be glad you have those extra 10 minutes when google re-routes you or when you need to stop for gas. Personally, I am still working on this one. Rushing and being rushed are the absolute worst, so just avoid the unneeded stress and leave early.
19 | Serve others daily and give generously
- I’ve learned that serving others is what gives life meaning. No matter how big or small your actions are, it’s important to work towards making others lives better everyday. It can be through your work or relationship or volunteering. The impact you can have is unimaginable with just one small action each day.
20 | Listen intently
- I know I will always be developing my listening skills. It’s something I’ve placed huge importance on in the last few years and it’s made a world of difference in how I communicate with others.
21 | Learn to work with people you dislike
- Another hard lesson to learn. Others will dislike you, and you will dislike others. Regardless of your personal opinions, I’ve learned it’s so important to put all of those thoughts to the back of your mind and just do the work. It may be a challenge but it’s a part of life you can’t avoid.
22 | You have a voice, use it for good
- It’s hard to think that your voice matters, especially when you see all of the bad things that happen in this world. But it does, it matters what you say and what you do. I’ve learned that sharing more of my thoughts and concerns with my family and friends, can bring about positive change. So it’s important to use your voice for good everyday.
23 | Solo travel is a life changing experience
- I had never considered solo travelling until I wanted to see the world but didn’t have anyone who wanted to come with me. Originally I thought I could never go by myself, especially as a female, but I knew if I didn’t go then, I never would. So I decided to travel solo and it was an amazing experience. You learn so much about yourself, make exceptional friends from all over the world and develop crucial life skills.

24 | Make your loved ones a priority
- I’ve learned it’s really important to show the people in your life that you love, value and appreciate them. Take in every little moment you have with them and be grateful for the time you are given with them.
25 | Today is someday
- This is a lesson I’ve learned recently. As cliche as it sounds, you only have one life. Use your time to do what you love. Don’t wait until you’re ready, because the truth is, you never will be. You will always be giving yourself another excuse. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and go after what you truly want. Once I realized this truth, it completely shifted my life. I’ve stopped putting my dreams on the back-burner and started working actively towards the life that I want and the impact I want to make. If you only take one thing from this post, take this as a reminder that today is a beautiful day to go after your dreams.
There are so many other valuable lessons I’ve learned over the years but those were my top 25 lessons learned in 25 years. The learning won’t stop here. I know I will keep learning in the next weeks, months and years ahead. I’d love to hear what life lessons you’ve learned, share some in the comments below!

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