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Being a twenty-something in this day and age isn’t easy. We have so many distractions in life from social media to Netflix, to never-ending schooling, to your new entry-level job that has you working 50+ hours per week.
Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done? Staying up late every night? Eating unhealthy and you just can’t seem to stop? Constantly worried about things you can’t control? Not understanding why you seem to keep failing in different areas of your life? This post can help as it details the 10 books to read in your 20’s.
We often put self-development and self-growth on the back burner but what we don’t realize is if we took some time to develop our leadership skills, our healthy habits, learn how to shift our mindsets, and practice self-care we will be even more successful in our everyday tasks, work, and relationships.
Take it from a twenty-something who has made this realization, and now wonders how much more productive and how much less stressed she could have been going through university and in her first years of full-time work. BUT it’s never too late to start so here are 10 books to read in your 20’s.
Before we get started, I should mention that these are good books for adults to read at any time in their lives. Remember that if you’re not a huge reader you can still learn all of these amazing life skills by listening to audiobooks instead. I hope you enjoy this list of the best books to read in your 20’s. These books will truly change your mindset and help you live your best life.
1. The Happiness Advantage – Shawn Achor
- This book details all of the research that shows happiness is a major predictor of success in work, life, relationships etc. Currently, we are programmed to believe that once we succeed in life, work, losing weight – we will be happy. But author Shawn Achor’s research shows that happiness fuels success, not the other way around. Shawn Achor’s humor shines through in this book which makes it a really enjoyable read while teaching a life changing message. For the perfect intro to this book watch Achor’s TED Talk below.
2. Start With Why – Simon Sinek
- Why do you do what you do? Your WHY is the thing that inspires you and others around you. It is what all great leaders have in common; they have a strong why which guides every decision they make. This is a must read book that definitely changes the way you think about the world. Coincidentally, the author of this book, Simon Sinek, has also done an excellent TED Talk that I will leave below as inspiration.
3. The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg
- This book is amazing as it helps you understand the science behind creating new healthy habits. Detailing how to break your old cycle, and create a new one through the “loop” in which all habits are formed – cue, routine, reward. Using these techniques you can completely shift your unhealthy habits that are holding you back, to create new healthy ones which will change your life. Definitely a must read, add this book to the top of your list of books to read in your 20’s!
4. Girl, Stop Apologizing – Rachel Hollis
- The author of this book, Rachel Hollis, is such a powerhouse. I listen to her podcast, on a daily basis and I remember one episode stood out to me in particular. She had noticed that when men are interviewed for their business success they were asked questions about how they achieved it, what their future goals were etc. But when women were in those very same interviews they were asked how they balance being a mother and a business owner, or if they plan on starting a family soon. Any rightfully so, she thought it just wasn’t fair so she was inspired to write this book. It details how to own who you are and what you want. How to stop putting your dreams on hold and stop defining yourself as ONLY a wife, mother or daughter – because you are so much more than that.
5. Atomic Habits – James Clear
- You can probably see the clear theme of this list. But learning how to develop life long habits and understanding the science behind it is really important for future success in life, work and relationships. This book details how to form good habits, break bad ones and overcome lack of motivation or willpower. It gives you the tools you need to achieve any goal, so it’s a must-read book!
6. The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins
- This is such a interesting book, with an interesting story of how a woman stumbled upon this rule and it changed her life. This book teaches you how to push yourself and break the habit of procrastination. I really can’t say it any better than this: “The secret isn’t knowing what to do – it’s knowing how to make yourself do it.“
7. Becoming – Michelle Obama
- Okay, this woman is just phenomenal. I think every person needs an inspirational story and this one is mine. Michelle Obama inspires us all with her story. This book details her life from childhood to her role as the First Lady of the United States of America. Constantly overcoming barriers, defying expectations and inspiring us to do the same. A story about a remarkably inspirational women is something we all need – this is that story.
8. Spark – John J. Ratey, Eric Hagerman, et al.
- “The evidence is incontrovertible: aerobic exercise physically remodels our brains for peak performance.” This book is one of my favourites as it details the relationship between physical activity and success. Not only success in losing weight, but in school, work and relationships. This book reviews multiple case studies and experiments that show the above statement to be true – exercise remodels your brain for peak performance. Learning the science behind this statement shifts the way you think about exercise and will definitely help you prioritize exercise in your daily routine.
9. The Ripple Effect – Greg Wells
- This books motto is live better, not harder. I think this is something we all want. It details how sleep affects your eating patterns, which affects your exercise ability, which affects your mental well-being and success. This is the ripple effect. This books has so many easy tips to follow to create this ripple effect and help you start living your best life.
10. Off the Clock – Laura Vanderkam
- Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough time? I love this book because it really teaches you to shift your mindset, to feel less busy while getting more done. Sounds like the dream right? Well then you need to read this book.
Because I can’t possibly ever stick to an even number when I’m writing, I’m adding in a bonus book.
11. How Women Rise – Sally Helgesen & Marshall Goldsmith
- We all know women face much different roadblocks from men as they try to advance in the workplace. Women are less likely to reach the top levels of management. But why? This book details the 12 habits that hold women back as they seek to advance. An excellent read for any woman who is ready to advance to the next level.